Dr. Koney MedLegal Consultant

Expert life care planner with over 150 authored life care plans, dedicated to providing comprehensive medical, social evaluations, and medical cost projections.

Life Care Planning

Expert reports summarizing medical care and health status for effective life care planning solutions.

a close up of a sign on a table
a close up of a sign on a table
Comprehensive Reports

Detailed evaluations of medical damages to support informed decision-making in life care planning.

Expert Analysis

Thorough assessments of health and social status to guide the creation of life care plans.

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Contact Us

Reach out for expert life care planning and consultation services.

Physician Life Care Planner

Dr. Koney creates comprehensive life care plans to assess medical damages and health status. To date Dr. Koney has authored over 150 Life Care Plans that cover the entire scope of care for the evaluee.